Thursday, August 9, 2007

Social Media Optimization / Marketing - SMO & SMM - Online Networking

What is Social Media optimization (SMM) and Social Meda Marketing (SMM)?

The concept is, With your Social Network, Create your Brand or promote through Word-of-Mouth on internet.

You need good networking / communication skills for this. And also copywriting...

Have a profile in Facebook, myspace and orkut.... try to add yourself into communities / Groups - connnect to people and message / scrap / ping them.

hi5, ringo and some others too are good social netwrking sites.

Then gofor online Bookmarking sites.
Digg, and reditt are cool.

Then write articles / post and digg them, add them to these bookmarking sites.
Same day, have ur friends too add ur page to their online bookmarking acccounts.

Then go for Article submission directories / Press Release websites.
Write about your website/blog - what services/products you provide or just give info.

This all, if you can do it for the next 3-4 weeks, u would start SMO and SMM.

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