Thursday, August 9, 2007

PPC Campaign Management - Google Adwords - Pay Per Click Tips

I came across an interesting conversation regarding PPC Campaign management.
Hope this will help you all to manage you Pay Per Click Campaigns.

Q: How to do keyword price adjustments in ppc?
A: check your landing page - your keyword and adcopy, all these 3 should contain the keyword. Add ur keywords in meta tags too. This all will make the ad quality score GREAT but not OK or POOR. Hence u can adjust PPC value.

Q: How to Lower CPC (Cost Per Click) by increasing CTR (Click Thru Rate)?
A: First of all, try to identify the ideal position for your ad in the ranking page as its displayed on search engine. You have position preference in Adwords, where your ad will be shown only if the position you specified is guaranteed for your keyword at a certain CPC. Enabling this feature will result in increase your CTR very much, but be careful it may reduce your number of impressions and hence clicks.

Q: What are Longtail Keywords?
A: Longtail refers to additional keywords which could surround your main product/service and make sense (Actually the whole combination of general words with your main keyword which can be queried by users on search engines)

Q: How to get more longtail keywords?
A: Try to use thesaurus and have keyword research on wordtracker or Google sandbox keyword tool. Check for your referral log (really a Gold Mine) on your server. This too gives you keywords which are getting you visitors to your website.

Q: Suppose I am using one landing page for 40 keywords, can I put 40 keywords in meta tag of landing page?
A: yes, u have to.... otherwise whats the use of a page - u put pen on meta tags and sell shoes in that page?
Your relevancy will increase if u use keywords in meta tags.

Q: How to create and manage an ideal PPC Campaign?
A: Simple - create campaigns then Adgroups with a Relevant Adcopy and insert Keywords.
You will need to group similar landing page keywords into 1 adgroup.
Campaign name and adgroups should also contain keywords.
We need to put all keywords of adgroup into landing page.
You have advanced options for keyword insertion at adcopy level and destination url level too

Ex: If shoes is campaign then walking and running should be adgroups. shoes/Product names should be the keywords.

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