Thursday, August 9, 2007

SEO Tools - QTP to Automate SEM Tasks

Anytime did you have any idea to automate some of the tedious, time taking SEO tasks?

I got it today and here is the solution for it.

QTP ( Quick Test Professional ) is an excellent Automation Tool which would solve the manual work which is repetitive. It is actually an automated testing solution which provides functional test and regression test automation.

Search Engine Optimizers ( SEO ) and Search Engine Marketers ( SEM ) can use QTP to full advantage by automating the Pay Per Click ( PPC ) campaign Management, Search reports generation for Analysis, keyword optimization in Bulk and can even manage campaign bid optimization.

QTP works in two modes

1) Context Sensitive Depending on the clicks and
2) Low Level will considers mouse movements such as X and Y co-ordinates

QTP has two View options

1) Keyword View: In this view, we can see the Screens.
2) Expert view: This view is where the Code is written. Coding will also include scripting

QTP also has the following Check Points

1. Standard - Used for Text
2. Page - Can be used to check page download time
3. Bitmap - may be used to check the images
4. Database Checkpoint
5. XML Checkpoint
6. Accessibility Checkpoint
7. Text Checkpoint

All the QTP is working based on the macros saved in Object Repository Manager.
- - - Here the activities are recorded
- - - Macros can be defined and analyzed

QTP also has feature called Exception Handling. This is used in Recovery Scenarios.
This option would handle run-time errors. Hence the process will flow smoothly.

Use Quick Test Professional as a Search Engine Optimization Tool and enjoy Automated SEO Tasks.

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