Monday, June 25, 2007

Search Engine Guidelines

Some guidelines are common among google, Yahoo and MSN but some are different also. To well rank a web site in particular search engines, it is required to have good knowledge of their prescribed guidelines.

According to Yahoo Guidelines.....

Your web site should be based on quality: - It means web site should have rich content. Web site content should be original and should no be copied from other sites. Always try to write content in your own wordings.

Web site should have more pages as it can: - According to yahoo a rich content web site that have more that 100 pages fetch the attention of mostly search engines. So try to add more pages as you can in your exiting web site.

Link exchanges: - Link exchanges are very compulsory as per yahoo guidelines. Basically it is required by all most all the search engines. As many as your website have quality links, changes of a well page rank and good ranking will be more.

Update your content: - An updated site keeps have good ranking and get higher page rank provided website content should be continuously updated.

Keywords: - Yahoo still has keywords importance so fill each of your web pages with targeted keywords but not do keyword stuffing.

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