Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Why a site goes into the supplemental index in Google ?

Some of the reasons why a site goes into the supplemental index of Google are:

1. Duplicate content: One of the main reasons why site goes into the supplemental index of Google .So try and make your content as unique as possible.

2. Same Title and Description in a page: Make sure you have separate title and description in each page.

3. Canonical Issues: Use 301 redirect to redirect your site from without www to www (e.g http://www.domain name .com/)

4. Lack of content: Build a site with good combination of text and images.

5. Lack of PR: Concentrate on link exchange and get as many quality backlinks as possible.

6. Orphan Pages: Pages that no one links to. So make sure you have clear navigation in your site.

7. Dynamic URLs: Pages with too many query strings in the URL. Search engines don't like them so always use static URL.

Follow these points and surely its going to help your site come out of the supplemental index of Google.

  1. Eliminate the duplicate content issues on your pages. Page TITLE and Meta Description tags should be unique (and Meta Keywords, too, if you use it). Try to limit as much duplicate content as possible. It's okay to have a common header, footer, and site menu on your pages as long as your pages have enough other content to offset the common stuff. It's not okay for your red widget and blue widget product pages to have the same exact product description and page content, with the exception of the color.

    2. Improve the content on the supplemental pages. As mentioned in #1, pages with little or no content are strong candidates to land in the supplemental index. That's especially true if the amount of duplicate content (header, footer, etc.) is substantially more than the non-duplicate content.

    3. Improve your site architecture. If you have pages that are 4-5 levels deep (i.e., below or away from the home page), redo that structure so the pages aren't buried like that. Make it easier for the crawler to reach all your pages.

    4. Improve your internal linking. Have a site map that includes links to all your pages. This'll help make sure pages don't get orphaned. Be sure to link to the site map from your home page so the crawlers can find all those links easily.

    5. Fix your link profile. Who you link to and who links to you impacts the level of trust Google gives you, and less trust often equals more supplemental pages.

    6. Fix your URLs. Do you really need to pass 3-4 variables in the URL? Cut down on the parameters. Keep your URLs as simple as possible.

    7. Are you a theft victim? If someone has stolen your content, it's possible Google is ranking the stolen content on the other site instead of yours. Use a service like Copyscape to check for content theft. “Plagiarism Today” is another good resource to learn about stopping content theft, with specific instructions for contacting the offending party/parties.

    8. If all else fails, take drastic measures. Rename/save all the supplemental pages with a new URL and link to the "new" pages somewhat prominently on your site. The site map idea mentioned above would be a good start. And then do a 301 redirect from the old URLs to the new ones. (This is obviously a lot of work if you have a lot of pages in the supplemental index.)

    9. And finally, tell Google what's going on. When you're convinced you've exhausted all of these issues, use Google's Webmaster Central to submit your URLs directly into Google's brain.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Google Guidelines says that.....

Rich content: - This is applicable for all search engines. If your website has quality content your website will perform awesome on search engines.

Title tag: - Google give high priority to title tag of your web page. Make unique and descriptive title and include important keywords in your title tag. Remember one thing that the keywords which you are using in your title tag should also present in the content of that page.

Description tag: - After the title tag next tag that garbs the Google attention is “description” tag. So try to make unique description for each page of your web site. Also include your important keywords in the description tag.

Note: Description of different pages shouldn’t be same.

Broken links: - As I told in previous articles, broken links in your website can create a problem for search engine spiders to crawl your website. So its batter to check all the links and fix if you find any broken link.

Alt Tag: - Alt tag should be explanatory and accurate that best express your product and services. Alt tag should not be stuffed with keywords.

Static and Dynamic: - Static web sites are easily crawled and indexed by all the search engine spiders. The problem in dynamic website comes when comes at url which contain symbols like? instead of text. For spider it is difficult to keep it in its database.

Limit year link less than 100:- According to one of the Google guideline a given web page should not contain more than 100 links.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Search Engine Guidelines

Every Search engine has its own search algorithm and guidelines some guidelines are common among search engines but some are different also. To well rank a web site in particular search engine, it is required to have good knowledge of their prescribed guidelines.

According to Yahoo Guidelines.....

Your web site should be based on quality: - It means your web site should have unique and quality content. Don’t copy the content form other websites however you can refer websites like “Wikipedia” to write the content. Always try to write content in your own wordings.

Web site should have more pages as it can: - According to yahoo a rich content web site that have more than 100 pages attract the attention of mostly search engines. So its batter to add more web pages in your existing website.

Link exchange: - Link exchange is very compulsory for all major search engines (Google. Yahoo and Msn) in order to improve the search engine visibility of your website. As many as your website have quality links, changes of a well page rank and good ranking will be more.

Update your content: - Search engines like websites that have good quantity of content. This is another reason why the “blogs” perform well on search engine. Updated sites always appreciated by visitors. Keep updating your website continuously.

Keywords: - Yahoo crawlers like keywords. So use good keyword within the content of the page. But remember one thing always avoid keyword stuffing else your web site got banned on Yahoo.

Search Engine Guidelines

Some guidelines are common among google, Yahoo and MSN but some are different also. To well rank a web site in particular search engines, it is required to have good knowledge of their prescribed guidelines.

According to Yahoo Guidelines.....

Your web site should be based on quality: - It means web site should have rich content. Web site content should be original and should no be copied from other sites. Always try to write content in your own wordings.

Web site should have more pages as it can: - According to yahoo a rich content web site that have more that 100 pages fetch the attention of mostly search engines. So try to add more pages as you can in your exiting web site.

Link exchanges: - Link exchanges are very compulsory as per yahoo guidelines. Basically it is required by all most all the search engines. As many as your website have quality links, changes of a well page rank and good ranking will be more.

Update your content: - An updated site keeps have good ranking and get higher page rank provided website content should be continuously updated.

Keywords: - Yahoo still has keywords importance so fill each of your web pages with targeted keywords but not do keyword stuffing.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Make search engines index your site and create traffic

Unique Content: In order to create this targeted traffic, you will need to have original quality content (possibly written from your own) to be displayed, resulting useful to the visitors. Anyway, this is not sufficient to bring you lots of traffic. You need a quality exposure of your website in the major sources of targeted traffic. Nowadays, the major sources from where you can get traffic are search engines and web directories!

There are millions of search engines around here, but the most important ones are Google, Yahoo and MSN in this order. Another important website in which check your popularity is Alexa, that ranks the websites up to their current traffic.

Every Search Engine has got its own indexing algorithm, and every one of them has got different ranking criteria. Furthermore, Search Engines update their algos on a regular basis and a website that was ranking #1 for many keywords, can drop in the ranking the next day. Don't put all your eggs in a basket . If you just point on a single website and for any reason it falls from the rankings, your efforts will be vain. That's why is better to earn $5/day on several websites instead of $50/day on a single one.

These are some tips that will make search engines acknowledge about your website:

1) Get backlinks: That means you must have links pointing to your website from other sites, possibly on a different IP class and from websites whose content is related to yours. The higher Page Rank the other sites will have, the more the Search Engines are indexing their pages and they will note about your link, and the bots will come to your site. Many people obtain links by purchasing them, others by spamming guest books (but DON'T do this, because it's SPAM). The better way to obtain links is to create quality content: if your site is interesting, people will link to your website without need that you ask them to do it. You can get some good links as start putting your website URL in forum signatures, if the forums in which you stay allow this practice.

2) Create a proper robots.txt file in your server: robots.txt is a file frequently picked up by the search engines, letting them to know if you have content you do not want indexed by the bots. I don't need to reinvent the wheel since there are nice tutorials about robots.txt out there.

3) Make your pages correctly linked between them : broken links are penalties for your indexing

4) Use proper meta tags and titles: Once you have got good keywords, select the best 4 among them and make sure they are present (in the same order) in your title and meta tags. Put them also in your page as the first and the last present in the body content. Make them bold or italic if you feel so. This should help your ranking. Currently I am testing this strategy and I will let you know about the results. The most important thing when creating a website is to obtain links to let search engines know that you exist. Search Engines also have a submit feature in which you can directly submit to them your URL, but there are people saying that this will lead to a penalty on your rankings so to be sure don't do it.

5) Don’t Forget to Ping: Another nice thing you should do to improve your traffic is to have a constantly updated blog on your website. Looks like SEs love blogs, and index them often. Once you have updated your blog, ping it using services like Ping-O-Matic and Blog Flux Pinger. Those services will list your blog in their ping pages, which are constantly monitored by the major search engines.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Make your site search engine friendly

Optimizing your pages for the search engines is crucial for a good spidering from the search engine crawlers, and you should avoid the most common errors in which newbie webmaster incur, having their pages filtered for some reason and not showing in the SERPS.

This practice is called on-page SEO and it's the first important step for your success as web publisher.

First of all, remember that all the crawlers read text only pages, so putting your relevant keywords in images (i.e. logos) won't be any good.

These are the most common suggestions about on-page SEO:

1) Optimize your title and meta tags. Make sure that the title, Meta Tag description and keywords are present. They are your website's business card, so you must take care of them. Put relevant keywords only, that make sense together.

2) Use h tags in the correct hierarchy (h1, h2, h3 ..) and put there your relevant keywords.

3) Repeat your most important keywords at the end of the page, as the last words the crawler would see.

4) Stress your relevant keywords using the bold and italic html tags.

5) Write clever paragraphs about your topic, and do the proper in-site linking through your pages.

6) Check your keyword density, and make sure it does not exceed a 25% or you will get most likely banned from the search engines.

7) DO NOT use hidden text, and make sure that your text is all visible and that won't match your background color. This is frowned upon all the major search engines and their bots can detect that kind of cheat.

8) Do not abuse of image alt tags. You can put relevant keywords in tag although it is considered black hat SEO. Just use moderation and common sense.

9) Make sure that every page on your site is properly linked: Check all the links on your web page and fix the broken links because broken links can make difficult for search engine spiders to crawl your webpage. Building a sitemap and submitting it to Google sitemap is a good idea and it will be subject of a future article. We will also speak how to optimize your keywords using databases. Every page must have unique title and Meta tags; otherwise the search engine will take them as duplicate pages and won't consider it in the search.

10) For keyword suggestions, use nice tools like the one in Digital Point: Keyword Suggestion Tool or Google Keyword suggestion tool. If you want a professional tool to do it, then you should consider Word Tracker.
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