Thursday, July 19, 2007

Tips For Keyword Selection

The most common mistake that is maid by almost all beginner webmasters is targeting keywords which are too viable. You can’t compete or place for extremely competitive keywords. High rank websites and well established business use their keywords properly that is the reason that they are on top.

Go for medium competitive keywords these keywords will give you batter results.

Follow these steps to achieve Top 10 Rankings in Google

  1. Make the list of keywords: First step is preparing the list of the keywords you wish to target. Obviously these keywords should relate to the theme of your business. Check the keyword competition to see how many sites are already listed on Google for that keyword. Also check the page rank and keywords of the website that are listed on first page of Google search results. If those entire website have PR6 and above page rank it is difficult to get high ranked for that keyword.

  1. Choose Keywords related to your website: once you have prepared the list of your keywords then next step is filter out the keywords that are more beneficial for your business and used by your targeted audience. Also check the daily searches and keyword competition before finalizing the keywords.

  1. Quality Content: Create quality content for your keywords. Write content for your visitors. Your content should be in proper flow. Incorporate your keywords in content section.

  1. Keyword in Domain Name, Title and URL: Having your keyword in your domain name will score big points from search engines. Also include your business keywords in the title and Meta tag of each page. Use keywords to name the web page like if your web page is about SEO then use If the keyword is lengthy use hyphens or underscore as separator like search-engine-optimization or search_engine_optimization.

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