Saturday, July 21, 2007

Manual directory submissions

Every website owner want to know that how to increase the traffic in his site & also search engine rankings. Tow factors that play important role to increase the traffic of any website and search engines ranking are high-quality original content and the number and quality of links to the site. This improves and supports your rankings on the major search engines like Google, AltaVista and Yahoo.

Submit site in SEO friendly Directories

Submitting website to SEO directories one method for obtaining more links. Directory submission is of two types, first is Manual directory Submission and second one is Automated directory submission. Automated directory submission submits your website quickly to thousand of directories. But Manual directory Submission is advisable.

Manual directory Submission

Manual directory Submission is time eating labor intensive and cost effective way to build inbound one way links, but it definitely gives great flexibility in the submissions process. It also helps in building a brand image and also increases traffic and promotion to your website.

The time taken for approval of your listing is depending upon the policies of that web directory. Manual submission requires lots of patience but for this effort you get the required results.

Every web directory has some submission form. You only need to full fill that form to get listed. It’s recommended that read the guidelines before filling the form. Be careful while choosing the category for your website. Submit your website to correct category. Like if your website is bout SEO then submits it to SEO/Search engine optimization/Internet marketing category. Use your business for your anchor text. Your description should be proper written and there should no grammatical mistake in your description. Don’t use your anchor text in your keywords.

Friday, July 20, 2007

What is Link Building?

It’s very important for your website to get competitive position on the search engines. So, now many questions arise like How this can be possible? How can I increase the traffic to my website? How to increase the website rank in search engines? and many more....

Link building is answer to these questions. Link building is procedure to get quality inbound links to own website with the intention to get the answer of all above questions.

Link building can be proved as mile stone to get your site to rank high in the major search engines. Link building camping helps you to attract your target audience in addition it also increases the website importance. Link building helps your site to score high Google page rank and increase the chance of your website rank high in search engines with relevant keywords.

Quality than Quantity of Links:

Quality always preferred than quantity. Similarly if your website has quality inbound links then definitely your website will perform well in search engines. Link building is time consuming, difficult and some time boring process. But it helps to improve the visibility of your website on search engines.

It doesn’t mean that post your link everywhere. Suppose your website is about cell phones and your posting your link on footwear website will you get benefit of that? Absolutely no. because that website has visitors which are interested to buy shoes and your website is all about cell phone so you will not get any benefit of that.

So try to target only those websites that have similar concept/content as yours. This will help you to get meaningful traffic on your website.


Link building is effective way to gain traffic and of course rankings in search engines too. Moreover it also helps to attract real customers and improves search engine performance.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Tips For Keyword Selection

The most common mistake that is maid by almost all beginner webmasters is targeting keywords which are too viable. You can’t compete or place for extremely competitive keywords. High rank websites and well established business use their keywords properly that is the reason that they are on top.

Go for medium competitive keywords these keywords will give you batter results.

Follow these steps to achieve Top 10 Rankings in Google

  1. Make the list of keywords: First step is preparing the list of the keywords you wish to target. Obviously these keywords should relate to the theme of your business. Check the keyword competition to see how many sites are already listed on Google for that keyword. Also check the page rank and keywords of the website that are listed on first page of Google search results. If those entire website have PR6 and above page rank it is difficult to get high ranked for that keyword.

  1. Choose Keywords related to your website: once you have prepared the list of your keywords then next step is filter out the keywords that are more beneficial for your business and used by your targeted audience. Also check the daily searches and keyword competition before finalizing the keywords.

  1. Quality Content: Create quality content for your keywords. Write content for your visitors. Your content should be in proper flow. Incorporate your keywords in content section.

  1. Keyword in Domain Name, Title and URL: Having your keyword in your domain name will score big points from search engines. Also include your business keywords in the title and Meta tag of each page. Use keywords to name the web page like if your web page is about SEO then use If the keyword is lengthy use hyphens or underscore as separator like search-engine-optimization or search_engine_optimization.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Make Money From Adsense

Google Adsense is a fast and effective way to earn good bucks from the website. Google Adsense is beneficial for both advertiser and publisher. Where advertiser get targeted audience on their website on the other hand publisher earns money when somebody clicks on these ads. Google display the ads that match with the content of the publisher’s website like if publisher has website on SEO then the ads will be search engine optimization, link building, SEO guide, SEO help etc. depends upon the content of the website where these ads are put up.

Adsense program is free anybody who has webpage can join this. But remember your Adsense income will depend upon the number of clicks you will get. If you don’t have website you can create blog( like mine or create a webpage using “” these are also free.

If you don’t want to put ads on your website/webpage then you can add Google search on your website. This will help your visitors to find the required content on your page as well as if they click on sponsored ads you will get paid for that.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Why Backlinks?

Search engine optimization for online business is very crucial factor that should consider properly. At present time and in future also search engines play important role to get free traffic. If you are on the first page of any popular search engine like Google or Yahoo for any specific keyword you will definitely get streams of traffic everyday.

Quality backlinks always helps your website to perform well on search engine results. While link exchanging or directory submission use you business keywords as anchor text. The best backlink strategy is find website and directories similar to yours. This will surely helpful to get meaning traffic.

Don’t ignore SEO, it could make or break your business. Read as much as possible about this topic. On internet there are many free website like mine who will help you to take deep knowledge of this subject. It’s little bit time consuming but effective way to get meaningful free traffic to your website. Spend your time to get quality backlinks.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

An Overview Of Big Players


Google’s search results are shown on, AOL/Netscape and Earthlink. They’re also available through many “metasearch” engines, and Google is one of the options on Hotbot. Add it all up, and Google results are probably displayed on 75% of all searches.

Google Adwords:

Google’s Adwords is a “pay per click” program, displaying text ads alongside search results on many search portals. The order in which they are displayed is based on the advertiser’s bid as well as the user response for each ad. Adwords ads are displayd on, AOL/Netscape, Ask Jeeves and many smaller portals. ADD it all up, and Adwords ads are probably displayed on 65% of all searches. Adwords is not limited to search results, though, so the actual reach of this program is much greater than that.

Overture is a “pay per click” model. They provide the primary search result for MSN, and provide search result through their own portal. Looksmart also has a volunteer edited directory called Zeal, Whose results are mixed in with the paid listings.

Inktomi Search

Inktomi provides search results to multiple search portals, but they do not operate a search portal their own. Inktomi provides secondary search results to MSN and primary results for Hotbot as well as several small portals. All together, lnktomi results are probably shown on 6% of all searches.

Altavista Search

Altavista’s Search engine provides search results at, and is therefore shown on about 2% of searches. Altavista was once the king of search engine jungle. Acquired first by Overture and now owned by Yahoo, their days are probably numbered.

FAST/ALLTheWeb Search

Results from FAST are displayed on Lycos, and the “ALLTHeWeb” search portal. All together, probably less than 1% of all searches. Yahoo owns the ALLTHEWeb search portal now, but it’s unlikely that FAST result are going to grow significantly beyond the Lycos portal, and Lycos May make a switch at some point. FAST’s main business is corporate search solutions, so it’s unlikely that they will make significantly effort to retain market share in the public search market.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

All About Alexa

What is Alexa?

Alexa is website which provides traffic information for website. “Alexa Rank” is unit used by this website to indicate the number of users who have visited the website with Alexa toolbar installed.

Why it is important?

Advertisers and Webmasters use Alexa rank as a measuring tool to determine the value your web site. If your website has good Alexa rank that means you will get high ad pricing.

How to start?

The first step to start with Alexa is install toolbar on your machine. If you are using Internet Explorer for browsing then download and simply install Alexa toolbar( and if you are using Mozilla Firefox then SearchStatus( extension. This will display Alexa rank as well as Google Page rank.

Increase Alexa Rank but How?

I know at this point of time you are very curious to know the secretes to increase the Alexa rank of your website. First thing that I always repeat in my articles is “Unique and Quality content” which will automatically attract large pool of audience without the need of artificial method to increase the traffic.

  1. Install Alexa tool bar or SearchStatus extension and set your website as your homepage.
  2. Add Alexa rank widget on your website. Each click is count as a new visit if alexa toolbar is not installed on visitor’s browser.
  3. Promote Alexa toolbar in your friend circle and ask them to use your website as home page.
  4. Write some artcles and blog about Alexa and include the link to your website within the content section.
  5. Post your link in the discussion forums; this is one of the effective way to get good Alexa rank.
  6. Use Alexa redirects on your website URL like this
  7. Create Alexa category on your website/blog and use it to post articles and news about Alexa.
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