Thursday, May 31, 2007


Today most of the search engines use “Themes” to categories the web sites. There are lots of myths and misunderstanding for themes. Some believes that search engine inspect entire website and determine some searchable items that completely define its content. The truth is search engine always index and rank individual webpage, not entire website.

Themes are next generation in search engine technology. Today all most all search engines use themes to categories the websites. Google, MSN and Yahoo are examples of search engines that use theme technology.

The positive side is if you design your website around theme then your website definitely performs well in current generation search engines as well as in future also.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

How Search Engine Rank Your Web Page?

Every search engine follows some algorithm to determine where your pages rank for particular search term. It is not possible to create a web page which satisfies every search engine algorithm completely.

Some search engine notice the keywords density and position of keywords on the page to determine the page rank of web page. If the web page is about “website design”, the density is the number of times that keyword appears on the page. Keyword position is where the phrase appears. If phrase appears in Meta tags and body tag of the web page, search engine will see this web page as more relevant page which has the words “website design” appearing once in the middle of the page.

Other factor that contributes in the page rank is link popularity. Good websites usually have other sites linking to them. Each link is considered as a vote by search engine algorithm. Greater the links means grater the vote which result more traffic and good page rank of the web page.

What Gets Index?

When search engines index the pages of your website, they store the content, image and rich media of the webpage. Some search engines also index the Meta tags of your website. The “description” tag is used to display the brief introduction of your web page when web surfer sees the result of search. Only few search engines also read the “keyword” tag.

Dynamic pages are difficult to index for search engine. To make your dynamic web page search engine friendly you should take care of the content of that page. Use rich keywords in the content to improve the search engine visibility of that page.

Anything that spider can’t read will not be indexed. If your using flash, frames and JavaScript on your webpage then it will difficult for search engine spider to read the content of that page. Instead of using flash use light images and replace JavaScript menus with plain hyperlinks.

Monday, May 28, 2007

How Search Engine Find You?

Search engine follow the links from other websites to find your website. This technique is known as “found pages”. Search engine will rank a web page or website if they found while crawling the website.

The position of your website in search engine result depends upon many factors like number of inward link to your website and page rank of that page. Each inward link is like a vote. Greater the number of votes mean more chance to come in top position of search engine result.

Most of the search engines (Google, Yahoo, Msn etc.) have a “Submit URL” form, where you can request to add you website to their index. You should add your primary URL like, and this address is added to their crawl list.

Some websites provide free and paid services to submit your website “automatically” in many search engines. This is worthless because usually many search engines not consider this type of listing and they reject the website submitted by the help of these websites.

In the same way there are many software available on the internet that submit your website to thousand of search engines. In realty they submit your website to free-for-all (FFA) link pages. These pages won’t send you any type of traffic to your website but at the end of the day you will find that your mail box is full with junk e-mails.

Many search engines also offer “paid inclusion”. The benefit of “paid inclusion” is search engine will crawl your website early. But if you’re thinking that you will also get advantage in your website’s ranking using paid inclusion then your wrong here. If your budget permitting you for paid inclusion and you are confident that search engine will deliver significant traffic to you website then you can go for paid inclusion.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

What is Spider Food?

Spider food is hyperlinks that are placed on webpage to attract a spider’s attention. These links are not visible to visitor and purpose of these links is to direct the spider to keyword rich “doorway” or “hallway” pages designed to fool the search engines.

When spider visits your site first it looks for a file called “robot.txt”. This file contains instructions for the spider on which part of the web site to index and which to ignore. “robot.txt” is an only way to control the search engine spider.

All spiders follow some set of rules. According to one rule spider can load only one page a minute. Early spider loads entire website at once. The result was bad search result by the search engines. With modern fast web servers a spider might visit your website several times a day.

How Search Engine Works?

It is impossible to understand about SEO (Search Engine Optimization) without the knowledge of search engine itself. The major search engines are Google, Yahoo, MSN, AOL, Altavista, ASK and Hotbot. Google is in a much subjugated position in the IT industry. More than 80% users of the internet use Google for their searching purpose. Google loves websites that have rich content and clear structure.

What a “Spider” Does

The first thing that you need to understand is what is what is search engine “spider” and how it works. Spider (“robot” or “crawler”) is software that is used by search engine to find out what’s going on the web. There are various types of spiders hi
ex up-to-date and accurate as possible.

The First type of spider is one that actually “crawls” the web looking for websites and pages. This program starts at a website, loads the pages, and follows the hyperlinks on each page. In this way everything on the web will eventually be found, as the spider crawls from one page to another. Search engines run anywhere from dozens to hundreds of copies of their web-crawling spider programs simultaneously, on multiple servers.

When a “crawler” visits your home page, it loads the page’s contents into a database. Broadly we divide search engine crawling into two types.

1. Shallow Crawling
2. Deep Crawling

1. Shallow Crawling: In this crawling technique search engine only index the home page and few pages that are linked from the home page of the website.

2. Deep Crawling: Today Most of the search engines follow this technique of crawling. Under this technique crawls follow each links from your home page and load that page into the database and successively getting deeper into your website.

“404 spotters” is another type of spider. This spider is used by search engines to websites that are no longer exist online. Theses check search engine index page by page and try to load each page. If page is not found the web server returns a “404 error” which mean pages are not exist or online. When spider not find web page it delete that page from search engine index so keep this thing in mind while selecting any web server to host you website. Your website must be online for 24X7. if your website is down at the wrong, your website may be get deleted form the search engine index and who knows how much time it will take to indexed again.
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